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Wellness can be achieved by understanding the interaction between both our physical and emotional reaction to trauma and stress, and the way we make sense of what is happening in our lives.
We use:
  •    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  •    Ego-State Therapy
  •    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to enhance EMDR
  •    Relaxation Training 
  •    Clinical Hypnosis
  •    Insight-Oriented Therapy



Allan Chislett BSW,MSW,RSW

EMDR Certified Psychotherapist






Depression and anxiety can result from stress in the work place, school, relationships, loss of loved ones, traumatic accidents and traumatic emotional experiences in our early years.

No one asks for these conditions; they are something that happen to us. If poor mental health were easy to let go of or change, we would gladly do so.


Mental Health and the Body

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of tightness in the chest and lungs when anxious. For people with depression, physical energy seems nonexistent. When we worry, we might feel discomfort in our digestive system, or light-headed and shaky. When we are depressed, our feelings seem shut down and our thinking slows down. These are some of the physical signs that something is happening to us.


Our thoughts and feelings affect our perception of reality. Feelings include emotional and physical sensations. Those sensations contribute to the perception that our problems are too difficult to overcome. Regardless of a particular experience, all three areas (physical, emotional and cognitive) influence how we react, and can be overwhelming. It makes sense that we attend to all three areas and increase the likelihood of improved well-being. 


Holistic Approach

There is a relationship between our physical and emotional reaction to stress and the way we make sense of our circumstances.

Releasing physical tension opens the door to emotional awareness, which gives us the ability to understand and improve our circumstances.




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